Arlington Designer Homes is committed to green building for the health benefits, energy savings, and reduced environmental footprint it provides for our buyers and our community. With constantly changing regulations, technologies and products, buidling a new green home from the ground up isn't always easy - but it's always interesting!

Welcome to our behind-the-scenes blog about green building and remodeling, where you can watch a green home go up step-by-step and learn about using green building techniques for your own home. And visit our website at to learn even more about green building and remodeling.

February 27, 2014


                I just returned from the NAHB’s International Builders Show in Las Vegas. What a great experience! Our company takes part in so many different ‘behind the scenes’ activities that not only make us better at what we do but help us provide better materials as well as a more complete knowledge base to our valued clients. Taking advantage of opportunities like attending the education sessions and walking the floor to talk to ALL the company reps. Helps us to build relationships and continue to expand our understanding of Energy Efficiency and Green building. This expanded understanding helps to set us apart from other builders.

                Regular attendance at trade shows is but one of the many important things our company participates in. Andrew Moore, is Co-chair of the NVBIA Green building committee and active in the NVBIA on the executive committee and Custom Builders Council. We are also part of a buying group called CBUSA that helps us to purchase materials at a lower rate. A rate that we pass directly onto our buyers. CBUSA allows us to pool our buying power and buy at the rates of any of the national chains. These local affiliations help to grow our reach. Networking within our community is essential to what we do. As a part of the larger Building and Energy community we can work together to serve our clients.

                One example of us working together was mentioned in a previous blog post about The Energy House team. They let me do what I do. Without these collaborations we would be a lesser company offering a lesser product. But with my partners I can stand on the shoulders of those that came before me an aim higher.

                That is exactly what we are doing with our newest LEED home, aiming higher. This home with its advanced energy package, including geo-thermal HVAC will  be the best home it can be because of my partners. Partners like the USGBC that have helped to pave the road ahead of me. Using approved techniques we can build a more efficient, more comfortable, healthier home. And the consumer will know it is a better home because we will have it inspected by an independent third party who will verify it to the exacting standards as set forth by LEED for Homes.


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