Arlington Designer Homes is committed to green building for the health benefits, energy savings, and reduced environmental footprint it provides for our buyers and our community. With constantly changing regulations, technologies and products, buidling a new green home from the ground up isn't always easy - but it's always interesting!

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February 4, 2013

Our Advanced Insulation Package

Insulation is like a wool sweater for your house. It is what keeps you warm on a chilly winter day. Insulation and air impermeability go hand in hand. If insulation is the wool sweater for your house, the house wrap is your rain coat. We can talk about the air barrier later, but today I want to talk about insulation.
There are many different types of insulation on the market. At Arlington Designer Homes, we design our houses using different types of insulation for different reasons. We use a hybrid system which helps us maximize efficiencies. An insulation package that is correctly installed will have contact on all 6 sides: front, back, left, right, top and bottom.

On a typical construction project we will use Demilec Sealection 500 in the places where spray foam is a good fit. These places include the band board, bump outs and overhangs, and as part of the roof assembly.  Spray foam goes on in a thick coat and expands 100 times to fill all the nooks and crannies. It sticks in places where other types of insulation just won’t stay.

Another type of insulation we commonly use is spray-in fiberglass insulation or the BIBS system. This is another great insulation that fills all the cracks and helps to prevent air infiltration. Sometimes we will use a dense pack cellulose in the vertical walls, with the same benefits of the BIBS system.
If you have been reading my blog, then you know that the products we put in the walls and ceiling are just one part of the whole advanced insulation package. We use air sealing (check out our next blog for more on air sealing) to keep the air out and help the insulation perform the way it is supposed to. Advanced framing, proper ventilation, high quality windows and siding, and attention to detail are also all factors in making sure that our houses are properly insulated and extremely comfortable and energy efficient.

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