Arlington Designer Homes is committed to green building for the health benefits, energy savings, and reduced environmental footprint it provides for our buyers and our community. With constantly changing regulations, technologies and products, buidling a new green home from the ground up isn't always easy - but it's always interesting!

Welcome to our behind-the-scenes blog about green building and remodeling, where you can watch a green home go up step-by-step and learn about using green building techniques for your own home. And visit our website at to learn even more about green building and remodeling.

August 20, 2013

Energy House Partners

We have started working with a new group called Energy House. I am just getting started with this group but what I can tell you is that we have an exceptional team of Energy Experts that will help Arlington Designer Homes, Inc. Produce a better more energy efficient house. For a long time we have been focused on the ‘Green home’ and we still are but now we are able to partner with energy experts who will help us get our word out there and save you even MORE green.
We participated in Energy House VI with our newest house (under contract) 2617 N. Nottingham St. It was a great success. As part of Parade of Homes and Energy House VI we had more than 300 groups through the home. We received rave reviews, they did a segment of it in a couple of our local micro news site:; the Patch and the Washington Post. It was a great opportunity for people to come in and ask questions of the experts in energy efficiency and Green building.
We will offer another such opportunity Sept. 20th-22nd at the Dulles Expo Center, Capital Home Show. Here we will have our team of experts on hand to answer general or specific questions about your home and energy needs. It is a unique opportunity to learn about some of the newer technologies, techniques and take advantage of our expert’s time to leverage your next construction project into being more successful and more energy efficient.
I look forward to what the opportunities that partnering with other area experts in the industry will offer our customers and our company. It will be a win, win, win.